by Michael January In The Boy King's Tale, two entwined love stories, young and old, lead to betrayal, murder and the near overthrow of a kingdom in this extraordinary untold true story adventure of the early days of England's Edward III. Crowned at thirteen when his father was deposed and murdered by his mother and her lover, the young king must come of age in the dark and twisted labyrinth of medieval politics, with the future in the balance on one fateful night when life or death was held on the turn of a confession to a nameless monk. Told by English court poet, Geoffrey Chaucer, as one of his tales, on the day death bells toll from the steeples of Westminster. REVIEWS "The Boy King's Tale: as Told by Geoffrey Chaucer intermingles the historical fiction details that readers look for with striking and tantalizing character portraits that give it an edge. The plot is steeped with fast-paced betrayal and intrigue. The storyline portrays intense conflict within an authentic setting, and the novel stays grounded while balancing evocative details with accurate period vernacular." Publisher's Weekly Booklife Prize "The Boy King's Tale: as Told by Geoffrey Chaucer” by Michael January receives five stars and our “Highly Recommended” Award of Excellence. The characters come alive on the pages, emoting real human emotions: abandonment, pain, fear, and ultimately, love, courage, and strength. This is an unputdownable must-read for anyone interested in this medieval world…a commendably crafted remarkable historical novel."Historical Fiction Company Boy King's Tale: as Told by Geoffrey Chaucer HFC Review "An entertaining vision of a time long ago." Kirkus Reviews Reader's Favorite 5-Star Review - The Boy King's Tale Purchase Links The Boy King's Tale - Amazon Paperback US The Boy King's Tale - Amazon Kindle US The Boy King's Tale - Barnes & Noble The Boy King's Tale - Audiobook - Audible
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